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中華信德人民軍 軍徽下載
請信德人民軍各位將士下載中華信德人民軍的軍徽,執行任務的時候可以亮出軍徽! 1、請各位戰友們下載中華信德人民軍 軍徽使用 (1)徽標文件包 (2)徽標JPEG文件(網絡版推廣版) 2、下載問題請聯繫我們的推特Twitter:@liuxiangyong1...
中華信德人民軍 軍旗下載
請信德人民軍各位將士下載中華信德人民軍的旗幟,執行任務的時候可以亮出旗幟! 1、中華信德人民軍 軍旗(網絡版) 請各位戰友們下載使用(點擊電腦鼠標右鍵出現下載圖片即可下載,也可以截圖使用) (1)軍旗文件包 (2)軍旗 JPEG格式(網絡宣傳版) (3)、軍旗印刷版...
Chinese Xinde People 's Army Recruitment Order No. 20210726
Chinese Xinde People's Army Recruitment Order20210726: The Xinde People’s Army recruits soldiers, including individuals and groups,...
V、[ECFG] Personnel Standards
The Ethics of Christian Faith and the Form of Government We don't judge the status by education, but by faith, moral integrity and...
IV、[ECFG] Social
The total elimination of drugs, homosexuality, abortion, corruption, pornography, triads, etc., and the elimination of black financial...
III、[ECFG] Science
The Ethics of Christian Faith and the Form of Government ECFG science advocates that all science and natural laws come from God's...
II、[ ECFG] Education
The Ethics of Christian Faith and the Form of Government The core value of Faith Education is to develop students' biblical character....
I、[ECFG] Rule of Law
The Ethics of Christian Faith and the Form of Government The rule of law is based on biblical teachings, which promote good and reject...
【ECFG】Core Values
The Ethics of Christian Faith and the Form of Government I. Christ-centered, God-fearing and loving, for the benefit of all nations! We...
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