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Latest News
Daily News
I. Worldwide
1. Number of confirmed cases:166,063,320
2. Number of deaths:3,460,628
II. Chinese Region
1. Taiwan confirmed: 351,999 Deaths: 17
2. Hong Kong confirmed: 11,550 Deaths: 210
3. Mainland China: (Communist data is inaccurate)
Crimes Against Humanity
I. Communist Party
1. Communist Party of China
2.Cuban Communist Party
3.Korean Labor Party
II.Democratic Party
1.Democratic Party of the United States
2. Some members of the Republican Party of the United States
Defenders of Human Justice
I.Europe and America
Trump, Pompeo, (U.S.)
Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin (Russia)
António Guterres (United Nations)
Jair Posonaro (Brazil)
Scott Morrison (Australia)
Sakaliane (Littauwon) more
Li Wenliang, Zhang Zhan,
國際輿論 | 信德雲端|持守公義-打擊邪惡-反對共產黨及民主黨!
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