Trump Presidency, Great Opportunity for U.S.-Israeli Relations "International Insight" 2016.11.10 Mr
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The world is still in a state of shock after Trump defeated the experienced and powerful politician Hillary to become the 45th president of the United States in the 2016 presidential election! What's even more comical is that the governments of the countries that used to play political bribery have also pressed the wrong button this time, with Hillary's tragic defeat ending the interest group model and the elite rule model, God slapped the international media and the corrupt politics of the countries through Trump's victory, the United States began to return to the model close to the Puritan rule, the rise of the biblical faith system, the elite rule model failed completely, which had to make the international community This has forced the international community to repent and pursue its faults!
The world is still in a state of shock after the 2016 presidential election in the United States, in which Trump defeated the experienced and powerful politician Hillary to become the 45th president of the United States! What's even more comical is that the governments of the countries that used to play political bribery have pressed the wrong button this time, with Hillary's tragic defeat ending the interest group model and the elite rule model, God slapped the international media and the corrupt politics of the countries through Trump's victory, the United States began to return to a model close to the Puritan rule, the rise of the biblical faith system, the elite rule model failed completely, which had to make the international community This has to make the international community repent and pursue the fault!
According to a recent media survey, Trump's victory was not due to how smart he and his team were or how much money he had, because the international media had tilted towards Hillary before the election, Hillary had raised several times more money than Trump, political opinion and Wall Street had tilted towards Hillary, and Trump was like a shepherd boy facing a huge and unparalleled Goliath, before the election results were announced. The world is still drunk in Hillary's dream of "beauty", and the Trump campaign team is surrounded by international media and dissenting opinions, the situation is very serious! What made Trump see the light? As the election results were revealed, we discovered that the biggest factor in Trump's emergence as the new president of the United States was God's hand in helping him succeed, because 70% of the secret of his success lies in his faith and values, his strong opposition to Islamic expansion, and his opposition to homosexuality and abortion, which are basically the same as Christian values. The world will only be blessed if Jerusalem is blessed, and the roots of Christians are in Jerusalem because it is the capital of the Great King, the Messiah Jesus Christ; these principles of Trump are also in line with the biblical standard of faith. So, in addition to the many Christians around the world who are eager to pray for him, traditional evangelical Christians in the U.S. are almost lopsidedly voting for Trump this time! This is also evident in the comments made yesterday by guest commentator Dr. Yancheng Liang of Global News & TV Information. In fact, a friend of the American church told me five or six years ago, "Although American society is seriously corrupted, the traditional American church is still very strong and well-established, but it lacks the guidance of wise leaders, so it is difficult for them to influence society. This time, God showed them that traditional evangelical Christians are like lions that have awakened, trampling on the Democrats' politics of lies and depravity, and openly supporting Trump's victory, which must be said to be an act of God's justice! Although Trump's personal virtues are poor, his willingness to repent is in line with God's standard of action in the Bible, because the Messiah Jesus Christ came to the world to choose sinners who are willing to repent. God can't help those who are not willing to repent!
Israel should see this clearly and seize the opportunity to build a relationship with Trump, especially Netanyahu, who must have felt bad about being marginalized by Obama! We do not know how much aggravation there is? Trump is God's prepared vessel to help Netanyahu and Israel, and his courage to speak out against Islamic expansion proves that he is a brave warrior! Netanyahu should seize the opportunity to fully interact and cooperate with Trump in the fields of faith, cultural exchange, national security, scientific and technological innovation, and economic cooperation, so as to make Jerusalem a recognized center of the world; especially to warn Israel not to play the subterfuge of bribery politics, but to speak and act like Trump, Israel's entrapment by the Islamic World Cup, the issue of the U.S. and Iranian nuclear program, UNESCO's misrepresentation of Israel The Jerusalem Holy Land issue, the ISS issue should all be solved during Trump's term! Because Trump's responsibility is to solve the problem for God, is to support Israel, otherwise why would God choose Trump from the bottom of society? Israel has to start adjusting its national strategy to carry out a new global development strategy in accordance with current events, that is.
1. rely on the United States for military affairs
2, economic reliance on China
3, back-up rely on Europe
4, Arab issues to win the tacit support of Russia
5. To sum up, everything depends on God, because everything comes from God's hand!
Only by doing so will Israel rise to the top of the world in a short time and become the true leader of the world alliance, because Israel is already the world leader in faith, culture and innovation, etc. God can choose Trump from the smallest of the people, so that Israel can become the center of the world.
Commentator: Mr. Liu Xiangyong